Sep 21, 2021, 9:48 AM
News ID: 84478318
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Comdr terms Sacred Defense as Iran’s national strength and pillars of deterrence

Tehran, IRNA - Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri in a message described Sacred Defense as the national strength and pillars of deterrence of the Islamic Iran.

“The eight-year Holy Defense and the resistance capacity, patience and resilience of the nation against the conspiracies and deceptions of the enemies are of the national strength and pillars of deterrence of the Islamic Iran that as the symbol of victory and national authority have been able to enhance the strategic depth of the Revolution and change the formation of geopolitical resistance in west of Asia to an indisputable reality in a way that for the time being, no foreigner or xenophile dares to think about invading the identity and territorial borders of Iran and Iranians,” Baqeri said in his message which was released on the occasion of the Holy Defense Week and The World Peace Day 2021.

The full text of Baqer’s message is as follows:

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

We honor the coming of the Holy Defense week and commemorate the resistance, endurance and bravery and manifestation of history-makings and virtues of the great people of Islamic Iran during the eight-year world arrogance imposed war in one of the critical and momentous periods of the history of humanity.

By the advent of the Islamic Revolution, the world international self-made order of the arrogant and colonial powers was threatened leading to a political earthquake for universally unjust current relations and the system of dominance and arrogance in a vast and all-out coalition provoked Saddam and the Ba'athist regime governing Iraq to wage the Imposed War, invade and occupy large parts of our Islamic country. 

This universal conspiracy that had been planned to destroy the revolution and wipe out the I.R of Iran failed due to encountering the resistance, endurance and stability of the nation as well as the bravery and history-making epics of the warriors and devotees of Islam and this big threat in a reverse equation unlike the will of the western and eastern super powers became a factor of more solidity of the foundations of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the extension and penetration of its discourse across the world.

After four decades of the global eight-year imposed war against our dear Iran, it can frankly and surely be said that a lot of undeniable and dazzling victories and developments yet deterring during this period is rooted in the Holy Defense and power and hidden energy in its culture.

In fact, the Sacred Defense is the secret of persistence and universality of the revolution and a valuable treasure and national wealth of Iranians for discovering ways and important future responsibilities for the enhancing the esteem, munificence and advancement of the Islamic country toward the high peaks of universal authority and prestige.

The role of praiseworthy and tangible history and culture of the Holy Defense in deterrent power-making for the country fulfilled the durability of this great miracle in the mind and reality of the lives of different walks of life in the society.

The eight-year Holy Defense and the resistance capacity, patience and resilience of the nation against the conspiracies and deceptions of the enemies are of the national strength and pillars of deterrence of the Islamic Iran that as the symbol of victory and national authority have been able to enhance the strategic depth of the Revolution and change the formation of geopolitical resistance in west of Asia to an indisputable reality in a way that for the time being, no foreigner or xenophile dares to think about invading the identity and territorial borders of Iran and Iranians.

The concurrence of universal Peace Day (Sep. 21st) and honoring the epic of the Holy Defense of the Iranian nation (Sep. 22nd) is a meaningful phenomenon that can lead us to historical realities and requirements. 

While ‘PEACE’ refers to lack of war, violence and mutual respect for rights of nations in the framework of the Charter of the United Nations, America and the Zionist regime and their global and regional allies and like-minded rulers in their deceptive discourse and operation have completely shown to be so philanthropist that it is they who are the true harbinger of peace!! While dictating a special definition of peace to the world, they have been the causes of wars, challenges and military tensions as well as insecurity, homelessness, misery, displacement of the nations of west Asia, especially in recent decades.

The Zionist-Western peace-seeking circus and the criminal acts of America across the world, depicts the disaster depth of peace threat and the investment and also providing military finance by the world powers never show peace-seeking in the world.

By looking at the war in Yemen and the crime that the brave yet oppressed people of this country suffer, displays this reality that beyond the peace-seeking motto of the west, a large portion of weapons used by Saudi Arabia and its criminal coalition against the people of Yemen is supplied by the rulers of the so-called peace-seeking and humanitarian countries, especially America.

In this passage, by following the Supreme Leader's nature-centered and conscience-centered diplomacy in interaction with Western youth, I would like to speak with the freethinking soldiers and military personnel of the United States, that is the cause of war, turmoil and insecurity, and the leader of anti-peace front in the international arena, and ask them some questions.  

By the way, have you ever thought about this question, “What is the US army looking for in other countries by mongering wars and occupation tens of thousands of kilometers away from home?

Has their presence in the countries under invasion, occupation and war such as Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. actually brought peace, security and tranquility?

Truly, should it be believed that the hastily withdrawal from the main military base in Afghanistan was for the sake of peace, tranquility and democracy in Afghanistan?

Think a little about the realities and events these days in Yemen to see what the support and proximity of the US army along with the Saudi coalition has done to the oppressed and defenseless people of Yemen.

Do not allow the absurd rulers of the US and the criminal and blood-thirsty terrorists sitting in command rooms of this country’s army make distance between you and international facts and realities by fictitious and mean image-making and make you the spelled infantry of their domination policies and war mongering.

They try to frighten you not to think about some of the obvious and undeniable bitter issues and realities of the world that are the products of the planning of the Zionist lobby.

Common sense requires that you find your share in the list of oppression, crime, war, violence and insecurity and displacing hundreds of thousands of people across the world who are eager to live with dignity, security and tranquility yet being deprived of them and judge on them based on your nature and conscience.

I am certain that your inquisitive minds can find a brave and responsible-making response to these questions and then depict your role toward them.

Stable and persistent peace is possible and accessible provided that it is followed in the light of justice and out of the domination of American discourse and definition.

From the Islamic Republic of Iran’s point of view, a just peace whose outcome is a true peace and friendship is the very discourse that has been stipulated in all divine religions and Islamic Iran has always been its harbinger and considers it a missing link of today’s world.

In the meantime, the source of hope is the clarification of goals and covetousness of American and western neo-colonial movements for the nations of the world returning to their divine and clean nature.  

In the days that Sacred Defense and the great and awakening resistance of the people of Iran against the global arrogance and domination are honored and praised by all right-seekers and true peace-seekers in the world, by emphasizing on safe-guarding the essence of peace, justice and human munificence in the geography of the world, we declare:

In the history of nations, there have been numerous fights against aggression and injustice that considering their significance in the defense culture, and by using the history of anti-colonialism of the I.R. of Iran and getting inspiration from the eight years of the Holy Defense, instructive lessons are presented to the freedom-seekers in the world. These lessons can be seriously used for the progress and advancing peace-seeking objectives, and it is a certain fact that the Iranian defense doctrine is based on the divinely prophetic mission of the messenger of passion and mercy, Mohammad (PBUH), and a verse of the Holy Quran “…and those who are with him [Prophet Mohammad] are strong against unbelievers (but) compassionate amongst each other” that supports the oppressed of the world and is the enemy of the oppressors and invaders.

In the end, we honor the names, memories and great and inspiring ideals of Late Imam Khomeini (may God have mercy upon him), the eternal martyrs of the eight years of the Holy Defense and the Martyrs defenders of the Holy Shrine, especially master of hearts Lieutenant General Haj Qasem SoLeimani, and the commander of hearts, Lieutenant General Ali Sayad Shirazi, who sacrificed their lives for the security, tranquility and glory and greatness of the people of Iran, and while emphasizing all-aspect preparedness of the powerful armed forces of the country to decisively encounter any threats against the independence, territorial integrity and security of the country and achievements of the revolution and the sacred system of the I.R. of Iran, by obeying the Supreme Leader, the Commander in Chief of armed forces, Imam Khamenei, we request God the Almighty to help us to be grateful to them and their blood and sacred objectives.

May Peace, mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon you


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